Public Participation at Board Meetings

Any person wishing to appear before the Board or a Board Committee must contact the library CEO or CFO, in writing, prior to the meeting, providing information as follows:
name, address, and phone number of the person requesting to speak; the subject or issue on which he/she wishes to speak; his/her position on the issue.

During official Board meetings, a person who wishes to address the Board concerning a given item on the agenda will be allocated time not to exceed five (5) minutes.  At the discretion of the President, the number of speakers may be limited to three (3) in opposition and three (3) in favor of the given agenda item.

During committee meeting, a person who wishes to address the committee concerning an issue will be allocated time not to exceed five (5) minutes.  At the discretion of the chairperson, the number of speakers may be limited to three (3) in opposition and three (3) in favor of the issue.

If a person wishing to speak has not notified the CEO as specified in section #1, the chairperson of the Board may permit the party to speak for a period not to exceed three (3) minutes.  If the chairperson determines that the matter requires administrative study, he/she may close the discussion and refer the matter to a future Board agenda item.