Tue, January 215 p.m. Adults, Seniors Friends of the Lorain Public Library, Inc. General Meeting South Lorain Branch Unlimited
Tue, January 216:30 p.m.(series) Birth to Pre-K Books, Beats and Bubbles South Lorain Branch Unlimited
Thu, January 2311 a.m. - noon(series) Birth to Pre-K Little Scientists Story Time South Lorain Branch Check Openings
Fri, January 243 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.(series) Adults, Seniors LPLS Geek Squad South Lorain Branch Unlimited
Sun, January 261:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Adults, Seniors Sunday Art Series: Brush-Free Painting South Lorain Branch Waiting List
Mon, January 2710:30 a.m. Adults, Seniors I Can Hear But I Can't Understand South Lorain Branch Check Openings
Tue, January 286:30 p.m.(series) Birth to Pre-K Books, Beats and Bubbles South Lorain Branch Unlimited
Wed, January 296:30 p.m. Adults, Family, School Age, Teens, Tweens Library Royal Rumble South Lorain Branch Check Openings
Thu, January 3011 a.m. - noon(series) Birth to Pre-K Little Scientists Story Time South Lorain Branch Check Openings
Fri, January 313 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.(series) Adults, Seniors LPLS Geek Squad South Lorain Branch Unlimited
Mon, February 36:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Adults, Family Easy French Hearts South Lorain Branch Waiting List
Tue, February 46:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. School Age Black Artists for Kids: Alma Thomas South Lorain Branch Check Openings
Thu, February 611 a.m. - noon(series) Birth to Pre-K Little Scientists Story Time South Lorain Branch Check Openings