Neighborhood Forest Free Tree Program

Boy and Girl holding free trees

We are celebrating Earth Week (Earth Day – April 22 | Neighborhood Forest Day – April 26 | Arbor Day – April 28) this spring by participating in the 14th Annual Neighborhood Forest free tree program, whose aim is to provide free trees to kids every spring.

Since 2010, Neighborhood Forest has engaged over 1,000 institutions, reached over 250,000 families and planted over 90,000 (mostly urban and residential) trees through the hands of children and parents across North America.

Check out this cute video.

We endorse this project and are excited to be participating in this wonderful program that teaches kids stewardship through the magic and wonder of planting and watching trees grow.

Please fill out the following online registration form by March 10th and receive a free tree (6-12 inches in size) during Earth Week (April 22-30).  Exact species will be revealed in early April.

You will also have the option to purchase additional trees and tree-related educational products (via the registration form).  The purchases will help fund more free trees for kids.

Trees will be delivered to us and we will arrange to get the trees in the hands of your children on or around Earth Day (April 22nd) via pick up at the branch from which your registered.

Other products that are purchased by you will be fulfilled by Neighborhood Forest.

Planting and care instructions, as well as species information will be emailed a few days prior to the trees arriving and will be available in the “Resources” section of the Neighborhood Forest website.  If you have more questions, please check out the Parent FAQs.

Register by March 10th to receive a free tree for Earth Day to plant with your child:

Avon Branch 
Columbia Branch

 Main Library - Lorain

 North Ridgeville Branch

 Thank you for your support and participation.  For more information about this program, please visit or

Girl with tree she planted and another showing it's growthGirl with tree growth over the years 2015-2022